Comprehensive UI/UX Audit Results

AA Tienda - UI/UX Audit Overview

Discover detailed insights Comprehensive Analysis  for User Experience and User Interface

AA Tienda - UI/UX Audit Overview

Comprehensive Analysis  for User Experience and User Interface

Visual Design and Branding

Delve into our assessment of branding consistency, color contrast, font usage, and the effectiveness of the visual hierarchy.

Navigation and Information Architecture

Review the organization and structure of navigation elements, including menu design, category organization, and search functionality.

Homepage Design

Explore the effectiveness of the homepage in conveying value propositions, guiding user actions, and presenting featured content.

Category Pages

Understand the design and functionality challenges on category pages, focusing on product card design, filtering options, and user interaction.

Product Pages

 Investigate the presentation and accessibility of product information, including image quality, layout consistency, and related product recommendations.

Shopping Cart

Examine the user experience in the shopping cart, focusing on visibility, ease of use, and checkout processes.


Review the accessibility of the website, focusing on color contrast, alt text usage, and screen reader compatibility.

Feedback and Interaction

Evaluate the site’s responsiveness to user actions, including loading indicators, feedback messages, and interactive elements.

Performance Perception

Investigate the site’s performance, particularly on mobile devices, including load times, visual stability, and overall responsiveness.


Purpose of the Audit

This audit aims to provide a thorough analysis of the AA Tienda website’s user interface and user experience. We have identified some of key issues usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction. The following sections will cover our findings in detail, supported by visual examples and video explanations.

Download the Full Audit Report

Get a comprehensive overview some of our findings Issues by downloading the complete UI/UX audit report. Click the button below to access the detailed PDF.

In-Depth Video Explanations

Summary of Recommendations

Enhancing AA Tienda's User Experience

Key Recommendations

Improve Branding Consistency

Optimize Color Usage

Enhance Font Application

Refine Visual Hierarchy

Streamline Navigation

Reorganize Content Structure

Enhance Search Functionality

Revamp Product Pages

Optimize Image Usage

Improve Content Layout

Address Accessibility Issues

Enhance Color Contrast

Improve Screen Reader Navigation

Ensure Focus States

Optimize Page Load Speed

Enhance Video Playback

Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

Implement Keyboard Navigation